Sunday, May 20, 2007

My Personal Profile


Abdulwahid Mohammed ALOBAIDLI

P.O.Box , Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Tel: 02-5555555, Mobile: 050-, Fax: 02-6666666



Date of Birth:

13 April 1983

Marital status:

Married + 1 son

Driving License:

Obtained in 2001


Secondary School Certificate with 85% in 2000
Certificate in Process Operations: Petrochem from ADMC in 2002
Work Experience:

July/August 2000

Summer job at Social Care, Abu Dhabi.
POST: Accountant.

July/August 2001

Summer job at Abu Dhabi Municipality. Duties included checking buildings under construction and their safety.

September 2001/August 2006

Field operator at Borouge petochemical plant in Ruwais

Computer Skills:
Operating Systems: Windows 95/98/2000/Millenium
Relevant Applications: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access Schedule
Internet: Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator


English: written and spoken well
Arabic: written and spoken fluently


Scuba Diving, car mechanics, playing football and the Internet

Mr. Theo Ouwerkerk
Faculty in the Chemical Engineering Department
Abu Dhabi Men’s College – HCT
P.O.Box 25035

Saturday, May 19, 2007

What is the purpose of this blog??

The purpose of this blog is to get enough knowledge about global warming and to know how serious this issue is. Before I joined the HCT I did not know what global warming was. After I joined the college I was hearing about the global warming, especially in English and when I saw Al Gores Movie “An Inconvenient Truth” the picture became clear in my head. This blog is a project for my English subject and in this blog I will be explaining the definition of global warming, and its causes and effects. Also, it will include some specific effects of global warming on humans, animals, salinity of water and the earth in general. This blog will contain information on how the people in the UAE are trying to do something to reduce the effects of global warming and some opinions about who should be responsible to take action to avoid this disaster. I hope that I can provide some articles from our newspapers in the UAE about global warming and proof that our country is trying to do something to save the environment.

Finally, I hope that the reader will enjoy reading my project and get new information that he never read before about global warming.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Global warming ... Definition and Evidences

The global warming definition:

It is the global average temperature of the earth which has increased since 1990. Scientists from different nations warn countries to cut down their activities that affect the temperature of the earth’s surface, causing many problems.

For example, the melting ice at the poles. Many animals are endangered due to the high temperature and scientists indicate that the temperature of the poles is decreasing by 9% every decade. Another problem caused by this issue is that temperature and the level of the sea has increased because of the extra rain and this has contributed to making floods which are very dangerous for the people who live in the coastal cities. Many fatal diseases have increased over the last few years like skin cancer. In 2003, the number of victims from heat waves was more than 20,000 in Europe and more than 1500 in India. Moreover, many forests suffered from a horrible wildfire that resulted in a huge amount of damage. Colorado, Arizona and Oregon in the US have experienced this situation.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Causes of global warming

For this serious problem, there are many causes. These causes are split into two groups, natural causes and man-made causes.

Natural Causes:

1. The main cause for this problem is the greenhouse gases. A greenhouse gas is a gas that traps heat in the earth's atmosphere. As nature creates some gases that participate in warming the weather, there are some greenhouse gases that have a major effect. For example, water vapor which causes about 36-70%, carbon dioxide (CO2) with 9-26%, and methane (CH4) which causes around 4-9%.

2. Many scientists believe that the earth experiences climate changes which lead to an increase in the temperature and this usually lasts for 40,000 years.

3. Some experts assume that the solar variation (sun radiation) might be one of the reasons behind the global warming by 10-30% over the years 1980-2002.

Man-made causes:

1. One major cause is the carbon dioxide pollution which comes from burning the fossil fuels, coal and oil. The US is considered to be the number one country that makes coal pollution with 25%.

2. The second cause is the world population that keeps increasing. This means that more carbon dioxide is going to be produced to warm the earth. As we know, trees take the carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen, but since these trees are being cut down, the amount of carbon dioxide is increasing.

3. The last cause is the pollution that comes from the cars which create exhaust fumes that make the weather warmer. Many families in the UAE have more than two cars and that has a bad effect.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The main cause of global warming: (Greenhouse Gases)

(On the picture above, you can see a simple explanation about the main cause of global warming)

When sunlight reaches Earth's surface some is absorbed and warms the earth and most of the rest is radiated back to the atmosphere at a longer wavelength than the sunlight. Some of these longer wavelengths are absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere before they are lost to space. The absorption of this long wave radiant energy warms the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases act like a mirror and reflect back to the Earth some of the heat energy which would otherwise be lost to space. The reflecting back of heat energy by the atmosphere is called the "greenhouse gases effect".

The major natural greenhouse gases are water vapor, which causes about 36-70% of the greenhouse effect on Earth (not including clouds); carbon dioxide CO2, which causes 9-26%; methane, which causes 4-9%, and ozone, which causes 3-7%. It is not possible to state that a certain gas causes a certain percentage of the greenhouse effect, because the influences of the various gases are not additive. Other greenhouse gases include, but are not limited to, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, hydro fluorocarbons, per fluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Impacts of Global Warming

Global warming is having many impacts on the environment, humanity and animals. The acceleration of the global warming is becoming faster and faster and this can affect us and the next generations soon. Many people will suffer from the impacts of the global warming. To illustrate it will affect agriculture, water resources, extreme weather, forests, human population, human health, sea level and costal areas. Global warming will cause many illnesses to the people because of high temperature and this will reduce the breathing air quality and increase air pollution. Also, many diseases can spread to many regions of the world such as malaria. More extreme weather, for example storms, floods and droughts will have severe impacts on the environment and society. Another serious problem is that global warming will affect the water resources. The underground fresh water level will reduce and this is due to high temperature of the earth. Rising sea level will pollute the underground water with salt and this is serious threat to humanity.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The main effect of global warming:

One of the most important effects of the global warming is the increase in the sea levels in the world. The sea level was nearly constant 3000 years ago. However, experts have indicated that since 1992 the sea level started increasing by 3mm/yr. it seems that this is a small amount, but the consequences are immense.

The first impact of a rise is that some of the costal areas could sink which might destroy tourist attractions in some countries which depends on tourism as a source of income. A recent study showed that 634 million people live in the costal areas within 30 feet of the sea level. It also demonstrated that about two thirds of the world's cities with over five million people are located in these low-lying coastal areas.
In addition, many people will become homeless and they will suffer from poverty and will be many victims because of the strong floods that will occur as an outcome of the increase of the sea levels. Moreover, the quality of the water and the groundwater will change.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

A comment from (Gulf News) Newspaper

Combat global warming unitedly

Published: 15/05/2007 12:00 AM (UAE)
(Gulf News-UAE)

In this article the author is summarizing a report done by Christian Aid about climate changes. He said that the report says this disaster is coming soon and many people will be homeless. The Middle East will face problems too due to this fast climate change. “Time is running out” and no action has been taken up to now; even many impacts have been seen! I totally agree with the report of Christian Aid and I thank the author for publishing these types of reports and I think the governments all over the world should cooperate together to face the problems of global warming.