Monday, May 14, 2007

The main effect of global warming:

One of the most important effects of the global warming is the increase in the sea levels in the world. The sea level was nearly constant 3000 years ago. However, experts have indicated that since 1992 the sea level started increasing by 3mm/yr. it seems that this is a small amount, but the consequences are immense.

The first impact of a rise is that some of the costal areas could sink which might destroy tourist attractions in some countries which depends on tourism as a source of income. A recent study showed that 634 million people live in the costal areas within 30 feet of the sea level. It also demonstrated that about two thirds of the world's cities with over five million people are located in these low-lying coastal areas.
In addition, many people will become homeless and they will suffer from poverty and will be many victims because of the strong floods that will occur as an outcome of the increase of the sea levels. Moreover, the quality of the water and the groundwater will change.

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