Thursday, May 17, 2007

Causes of global warming

For this serious problem, there are many causes. These causes are split into two groups, natural causes and man-made causes.

Natural Causes:

1. The main cause for this problem is the greenhouse gases. A greenhouse gas is a gas that traps heat in the earth's atmosphere. As nature creates some gases that participate in warming the weather, there are some greenhouse gases that have a major effect. For example, water vapor which causes about 36-70%, carbon dioxide (CO2) with 9-26%, and methane (CH4) which causes around 4-9%.

2. Many scientists believe that the earth experiences climate changes which lead to an increase in the temperature and this usually lasts for 40,000 years.

3. Some experts assume that the solar variation (sun radiation) might be one of the reasons behind the global warming by 10-30% over the years 1980-2002.

Man-made causes:

1. One major cause is the carbon dioxide pollution which comes from burning the fossil fuels, coal and oil. The US is considered to be the number one country that makes coal pollution with 25%.

2. The second cause is the world population that keeps increasing. This means that more carbon dioxide is going to be produced to warm the earth. As we know, trees take the carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen, but since these trees are being cut down, the amount of carbon dioxide is increasing.

3. The last cause is the pollution that comes from the cars which create exhaust fumes that make the weather warmer. Many families in the UAE have more than two cars and that has a bad effect.

1 comment:

Abdullateef said...

I totally agree with the scientists.